Tikal Eclipse Dynamic Languages

Tikal Eclipse Dynamic Languages distribution contains everything needed to start developing Dynamic Languages (Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby) applications.

The distribution includes the following features:

  • Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) provides exemplary Tcl, Ruby and Python development environments ready to use out of the box.
  • EPIC is an open source Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform.
  • PHPEclipse support for the Eclipse IDE.
  • PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and Jython development.
  • Eclipse Platform defines the set of frameworks and common services.
  • AnyEdit tools add several new tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors, output consoles, Eclipse main menu and editor toolbar.
  • Subclipse is an Eclipse plugin that integrates enables native support of Subversion from whithin the Eclipse IDE.